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KulePing Daily Updates...

Apr-20-2015, 12:02:13 pm
Which is Better...Customer Appreciation Day
Which is Better...Customer Appreciation Day

It's Customer Appreciation Day.
Here are 2 fabulous discount deals...

Which is Better?
You Decide

One Year Silver Upgrade at a Big Discount

Grab your 500 person targeted list (value 497)
Email that list every 3 days

Grab 7.5 million sokens to auto grow
your list (Value 9525.00)

Email that growing list every 3 days

Post to 1.4 million daily.

Or...Pick Up 2 Years FR__EE

Upgrade and get 2 years FR_EE

Pick up a 1000 person targeted list
Email that list every 3 days

Pick up 10 million sokens to auto
auto grow that list (Value 12,700)

Email that growing list every 3 days

Post to 1.4 million daily

You will find both choices here

You decide which is better for you.

Go get um

Jane Mark
Sokule Inc

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