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Jul-31-2014, 12:02:25 pm
I Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda but...
I Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda but...

Hi KulePing Members

I coulda...if only...
I Shoulda... because...
I woulda...but...

Does this sound familiar?

I coulda been rich if only I had married
George instead of Harry.

I Shoulda moved to New York but instead
I chose Oshkosh and now I don't have a job.

I woulda have made a killing if only I
had listened to my friend, Barney, who told
me to...

The world is full of coulda, shoulda, wouldas
and with people who let life pass them by.

I think coulda, shoulda, woulda should be
banned from the English language or any
language for that matter:)

Coulda, shoulda, Woulda are all past tense.

Success is a way to look forward.

If I sat down with a pen and paper and
started making a list of all the things
that I have wanted to do in my life but
didn't. I would never get up from the table.

I would have a long list.
It would stretch for miles.
I could line the streets of New York With it.
Paint it with Psychedelic colors and turn it
into a work of art.

Some people do that you know.

They live in the past tense of what might have
been if only...

Opportunities pass in front of them like
dancing lights on the wall and they never
catch them because...

I will let you fill in your own end of
that sentence.

Maybe you would use words like...

Too busy-Not paying attention. Too Hard
Too scary. Too expensive. My wife would
kill me.

The plain truth is that much of the time
that we spend in the past tense, is time
that we are wasting in the present.

I want to know what is happening tomorrow.

Yesterday may be something I can learn
from but there is not one darn thing I
can do about it so...

Perhaps today it would be a good idea
to drop coulda, woulda, shoulda from
your vocabulary and lean forward into

On the net there are ways to do lean forward
but in a fast changing environment, you need
to act quickly-thoughtfully- but quickly.

Ask yourself this.

What is the one thing I MUST have in order?
to reach my business goal on the net?

The Answer is clear...
Ways to contact and connect with other people

After all if you are selling something but
no one knows about it, success will be very

So...What are the ways to connect on the net?

Email lists are one way and, in my opinion,
still one of the most effective ways. If
you can get enough of them through the
filters, you can sell a product assuming
it is a good one.

You can do that right here at Onyalist

Where list building and list emailing
is simple and lucrative.

Social Media connections are a must if you
want to get to really know people and hook
up with like-minded soul mates.

You can do that right here at Sokule

If you are one that does not want to live
in the world of coulda, shoulda, woulda
I want you to join the Sokule Team at
this new site called Leafit

This is a new site that is making
waves on the net with a very simple

Get pa-id to post pictures online

They are in pre launch.

You can sign up today and hold
your spot in the matrix as an associate
which I highly recommend you do

In two days the price is going way
up and I can hear all the...

The Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda coming
when you miss the lower sign up

Make the coulda, shoulda woulda a
thing of the past and get involved

Right now you can upgrade to associate
for 40.00 per month

On August 2nd the price goes to 149.50
one time sign up fee and 49.95 per month

This is your future.
Sign up today

Upgrade to Associate today at the
lower price. Avoid the 149.95
sign up fee.

Put Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda behind you.

Go get um

Jane Mark
Sokule, Inc.

I have A Good Nose for a Great Site and...
MyMoneyMailer take it for a ride and then take it to the bank
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