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KulePing Daily Updates...

Apr-17-2014, 11:07:23 am
Customer Appreciation Day...Save 25% Today Only
Customer Appreciation Day...Save 25% Today Only

Today You can buy a lifetime membership
to one of the biggest contact mailers on
the net.

Mail to over 500,000 Active members
every 3 days 7500 At a time.

Reach a new audience all the time

Steal Our List members and get a
25% rebate today on the lifetime
expert account

Where do you do that?

Right here

Purchase the Expert Mailing account today
We will refund to you 25% of the the purchase
That's a whopping 124.25 back in your
pocket today.,

You pay once and get to use this
huge mailer for life

No Credits To earn

We keep growing the list for you.

Save 25% Today

Pay here For an Expert Account

We will refund 25% of your payment

Go get um

Jane Mark
Steal My Traffic
Sokule Inc

PS: Once you pay we will open the mailer
up for you. Please allow 24 hours for
this manual upgrade.

If you are not yet a member of Steal
my traffic, please sign up here so
that you can access the Steal My Traffic
mailer in the members area.

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